Please open this page in the Admin panel only
Error “Please open this page in the Admin panel only”

Well, if you’ve recently upgraded a WordPress site, then you may get such error message “Please open this page in the Admin panel only.” It seems like a nightmare or white screen of death. This error’s caused by faulty Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin and below is a quick resolution for it.

Quick Resolution

As this plugin throws a fatal error, which means we’re unable to get access to wp-admin. No problem, we can always use FTP method to fix WordPress website. Follow the steps below:

  1. Login to FTP and navigate to /www/wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Further find the folder named google-analytics-dashboard.
  3. Select that folder and rename it to google-analytics-dashboard_broken.
  4. Once you’ve renamed the folder, go to your browser and open
  5. Bravo! We’re done. 😉

I’m sure plugin author will release the update soon, as being mandatory plugin for few WordPress websites. Anyway, this is a temporary fix which can resolve any fatal error caused by broken plugins on WordPress website. Now you know. 😉

6 responses to “Unable to Open WordPress “Please open this page in the Admin panel only” ?”

  1. Thank you so much! Your simple instructions enabled me—a poor coder on my best day—to fix the problem in less than a minute.


  2. You are a STAR… saved me hours of work trying to get client’s site back up and working. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Thanks for that, was kind of done with that plugin anyway, now that there is a iOS app for Google Analytics.


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